Meet Jessica

Disciple of Jesus Christ,
Mother of Three Incredible Boys & One Precious Girl,
Former Youth & Associate Pastor,
Jessica grew up in a pastor's home and upon graduating from high school attended The University of Valley Forge where she heard and accepted the call of God on her life into full-time ministry. Immediately after graduating from UVF in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Youth Ministry, Jessica married her help-mate and husband Frank and was hired as full-time Youth Pastor at Calvary Assembly of God in Waynesboro, PA. Jessica served faithfully for 11 years and during that time she was promoted to Associate Pastor. Over the course of those 11 years Jessica championed missions giving through Speed the Light, resourced students in founding and leading Bible Clubs in their schools, served as Youth Representative for the South Central Section of the PennDel district, worked with local and surrounding communities in evangelistic outreaches, taught and discipled children, youth, young adults and adults, received invitations to preach at churches, camps and retreats as well as an invitation to contribute a sermon to be used in the Alive in Five sermon series put out by the National Youth Alive Department of the Assemblies of God. Jessica is an Ordained Minister of the Assemblies of God, an officer within the PennDel South Central Section, a wife to the best companion, a mother of the three most incredible boys (Frankie (10), Knox (9), Colt (6), Sutton (0), a published author, and a powerful proclaimer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

13 So he called ten of his servants, and gave them ten minas [one apiece, each equal to about a hundred days’ wages] and said to them, ‘Do BUSINESS [with this] until I return.’
-Luke 19:13 AMP